Okay. So I know we need more DARK leafy greens. So I gave these a shot. I think I need to tweak it a bit… but this is an easy start. And, like all posts going forward, it’s vegan.

Sauteed Collards


1 pound Collard Greens, Organic
4 Cloves Garlic, Minced
1 tablespoon olive oil, not evoo, but organic
½ cup vegetable stock, home made is best, but pkg is okay

Super simple… but still retains a bit of the bitter taste. Might need to boil in salt like Shana says… THEN do this. But concerned that might reduce nutrients. Ahh, well. Here’s the steps.

PREHEAT large skillet over medium heat. Saute the garlic in the olive oil for about a minute… being careful not to burn it. Add the collards and sautee for about 2 minutes… then add the stock and cook for another 10 minutes, untill the collards are deep green in color.

If after 5 minutes, they haven’t shrunk (a lot)… then heat is too low.

Serve immediately!

FROM: Veganomicon… a book you need to own.