All sent by DM … by the amazing @BeeBow (check her out on Twitter… she’s wise and wonderful!)

Here’s just how it came in!! 🙂

1 bag dry coleslaw mix, bean sprouts, sliced mushrooms, scallions, and obv any other of your favorite veggies!

i add the slaw mix in a big sautee pan first, let it cook down in lite sodium soy sauce. then add mushrooms, bean sprouts

scallions last – i like them to be a big crunchy when it’s all done =) white pepper to taste… if folks aren’t vegan, add

some scramlbed eggs (i think just one egg should do it) or egg substitute =) it looks so pretty! pic is what i made – it has a little shrimp in it =/

PopVegOnline says – I’ll make it without the egg or shrimp – but looks amazing!!!

Thanks again, @BeeBow!