
Thanks to the amazing Isa Chandra of Post Punk Kitchen fame… and KitteeKake … we’re now in day FOUR of #Vegan MoFo. That’s Month of Food. Vegan. Vegan Food. Vegan Month of Food. You’ve probably got it. You’ve probably heard of it.

And because of this wildly successful PROMOTION (See LA TIMES ARTICLE on it) … more people, bloggers, and media folks are talking about the benefits of Vegan eating.

You know that 40 percent more greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming come from farm animals … than CARS, right? You know that rainforests are being cut down because the land is “needed” to put farm animals (70 percent of deforestation) and the crops to feed them (nearly 30 percent).

You know that – if everyone in the world were vegan… there would be NO HUNGER. SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER RATES of Disease and death from disease. And, I think, a more compassionate planet.

So… I read a lot of books, magazines, blogs, and whatever else I can get my virtual hands on about #Vegan Cooking. You might notice that when we started this blog, I was vegetarian (thus the use of eggs and butter and dairy and cheese in some earlier recipes). But after reading The China Study

… and now, more recently, Skinny Bastard…

I’m done with even trying to justify “eggs are okay” and “but I like cheese.” Please. As if the pus, poo, antibiotic factor weren’t enough.. the harsh, cold realities of how factory farming works (see FOOD INC) does.

I know, the “Smug” is getting really thick. But I do feel good about what I’m personally doing for me. For my body. For my family. For the planet. AND for the animals. In our family alone, we’re preventing the painful, inhumane raising and slaughter of over 400 animals each year because we are vegan or vegetarian (one is still vegetarian… which is great).

I feel strange when I open a box. Or sometimes even a can. Or a bag. I just want to work with, cook with, and eat… REAL food.

You know?

Give Peas a Chance… and I hope you have a GREAT week.