It’s a good day.
This is my 101st post on this blog. Wow. Seems like a WHOLE lot.
I’ve made some fantastic friends and connections… and have learned to cook some amazing meals. And my partner, our son, and his mother have all gone Vegan. It’s very cool… and a fun place to be.
Tonight’s dinner? A fantastic (vegan, duh) Shepard’s pie… with lentils, onions, carrots, celery, veg stock, and a few other things. AND … a miso gravy with MUSHROOMS (not my fav)… onions… flour… Bragg’s… and some spices.
Really good stuff!
It’s cool. The more days I’m vegan, the more I’m solid. I don’t miss anything. I really feel like I’ve turned a corner… and have made a fantastic decision for my life. I have more energy. I’m happier. I’m more in tune with my body, my systems. I am working out more. My bloodwork is fabulous. It’s all good.
I’m in my fourth month eating Vegan.
And it’s all good.
I love it when people ask: “What do you eat??!?!!?” as if we’ve been left OFF of the “cool peeps” and life-sustaining food list. Notsomuch. I’ve eaten a wider variety of food, a higher quality of food, and a more enjoyable combination of wonderful things than when I ate things that are “normally” considered food.
My doctor, initially a bit of a skeptic… says I’ve made more progress faster than nearly all of his other patients – in terms of cholesterol and triglycerides. Very cool.
Anyhow… just good stuff all around.
China Study? If you haven’t read it, read it.
Skinny Bitch? Oh my God. Read the shit.
Skinny Bastard? If you’re a man-child… it’s fine-tuned to your stuff. So it makes more sense (for the most part) to Us’ns.
Anyhow… just a happy post to the world… saying HAPPY VEGAN MOFO (Month of Food)…