
So… had an interesting and strangely unusual circumstance today. Our son was home working on homework with two friends (that’s not the unusual part)… and they announced that they were hungry! So… what’s a Vegan dad (no reference to the awesome Vegan Dad website and blogger extraordinaire…) to do?

I ran to the store to get BBQ tofu bites… and was going to make the wraps that he loves – he thought they’d like them, too. But these things are from a small shop (a good thing)… and they were out.

So… I decided to do the Yves Vegan Hot dogs… with vegan buns… chips… salsa… and cole slaw (left over from yesterday!).

It was the first time I fired up the grill … I think since going vegetarian a couple of years ago. It was a little strange, but a good feeling to be putting that apparatus to work in a healthier way.

The kids loved (okay, 2 loved, 1 liked) the vegan dogs… and the chips and salsa. Not surprisingly, the cole slaw – with it’s super healthy organic components… wasn’t chosen by the kids. But we loved it.

I was excited to be able to cook something easy, super fast, and fun for the kids… with almost no effort.

And the conversation around the table… was quite interesting. Our son (newly vegan, long time vegetarian) threatened to tell his com padres what was actually IN hot dogs… and cheese… and milk. One of his friends already knows the score, and is herself considering veganizeing. But the other friend basically threw up her hand and said “NO!” … asking him to please not tell her.

They chatted… and concluded that all was well with the world.

And it is. At least for this moment.