I’m vegan for three reasons… my health, planet health, and animal treatment. My dogs are vegan, too… and they’re more healthy than other. I like to mix it up for them, too… and try to manage how much they ingest in preservatives. If it’s got a shelf life of a year… is it really good for them? So many dogs die of cancer (vast majority)… and I think it’s mainly due to the quality and quantity of meat and chemicals in their food. But that’s me.

This is a GREAT way to make simple snacks… for your pups.

Super simple… and the puppies LOVE them. Note – that they’ll last a little less than a week in a sealed container. No preservatives… that’s the great thing… but they won’t last for months because they are fresh and healthy.


2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup Almond Milk
1 cup Peanut Butter, Natural, preferred, smooth or crunchy

Easy stuff –

Preheat oven to 275 degrees.

Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix ’em up.

Put the wet ingredients in a separate bowl and stir until smooth and well blended.

Put the stuff from the wet bowl in the bowl with the dry stuff. Mix it up – but don’t over do it. Just to the point where the dough is wet and little dry flour (none) remains.

Then – turn it out on a lightly floured baking surface… roll it down to 1/4 inch thick… and cut with cookie cutters (I use bone and fire hydrant shapes).

Put the cut-out cookies on a baking sheet…

Bake ’em for 45 minutes to an hour. They should get fairly crunchy… some other recipes call for higher temp and less time, but I find that makes them too “Bread-like.”

Let them cool… then call your best friends!

Store in a cool, dry, air-tight container.