So… here we are again. At the close of another year. And on the eve of the most actively planned meal – of the year. Most people are going to have some sort of special meal tomorrow. For lots of folks, the traditional meal includes pig, turkey, sometimes cow, certainly cow’s milk, and other things that you normally won’t find in my house.

And for the last two years, my dad’s been coming up for Christmas dinner… and he’s enjoyed (?) our vegan fare.

Well, enjoyed might be too strong. We went totally non-traditional last year. And had chicken & dumplings (fake chicken, they loved it)… and an alfredo dish with tofu (they didn’t love, and I haven’t made since).

So this year… I caved. Dad didn’t even ask, but I told him I would have some turkey here for him. Not a carcass, and not much… just enough for him. I felt like it was the right thing to do. After all, he’s 80. He’s not likely to go vegan at this point.

Dad being dad, he was happy – then pushed for more, asking, “how about ham?” And I had to draw the line… no pig will die to be served on our table. Call me crazy… but they’re smarter than dogs. I’m not happy about the turkey. I’m kind of torn.

But I’ll let him have his turkey… as long as I don’t have to cook it… or carve it… or see the corpse.

What do you think? What would you do?