So I found ANOTHER really new cool toy last week. But it’s more than a toy, really.

You see, as you may know we gave up Diet Coke. A long time comfort food. But it’s really not a food, at all. It’s just a cup full of chemicals. But you know that. And I won’t re-write the blog posts of the past. Suffice it to say, I am no longer addicted to the stuff… and I was indeed.

I know, it’s the best thing to drink. Period. But water can get boring.

So we’ve been searching… for something that wasn’t high in unnecessary calories (like fruit drinks) … but still a tasty kind of beverage treat (for the daytime hours… before a glass of red wine might be warranted).

I’m happy to say… I found it!

It’s called the Sodastream … and it’s one of the coolest things ever. You don’t have to lug 2 liter bottles of seltzer water from the store… you make it at home. And it’s as easy as – OPENING a bottle of the store-bought and a-bit-too-chemical-laden stuff. And, I think it’s better. You can use tap water, mineral water, distilled water, whatever water you’d normally drink.

But here’s the kicker. I add about a shot of cranberry juice, lime juice, apple juice, or one of many other things that I just don’t need to drink 12 ounces of… and it’s like a cool, refreshing soda… without the silly sugar (or as Skinny Bitch would call it, liquid satan). There’s a little sugar from the one ounce of cranberry… or whatever… but that’s okay, I think. I do NOT buy the artificial sweeteners anymore… I only buy the real, organic, healthful ones. And… even though they’re more expensive… they go a long, long way this way.

This thing doesn’t need electricity. So it’s cool on the boat, camper, whatever. Probably too big to take on a hike or a picnic… unless you’re one of those burly men (or women)… but you can always make some up ahead!!

Every time I’m getting a drink… I can ask myself “Vis Gas, or no?” like they do in Paris. LOL.

Anyhow… it’s super easy, actually cuts down on expense, calories, chemicals, and landfill contribution.

And that’s good!

Check it out here – if you’re interested: